There may be instances where you would like to apply a separate fee on your tickets for donations, package uplifts, promoter loading etc. This is where you can utilise Additional Loading in your ticket build for your event. Once you’re ready to settle and collect your funds, you can distribute the loadings collected how you wish directly through our system.
Example use case:
As a venue or event organiser, you have a set fee on top of your NET ticket price which is settled directly to you. Here you would use Client Loading.
Your external promoter would then like to charge an additional loading per ticket, which needs to be settled directly to them. Here you would use Additional Loading. This way, all additional fees are captured and settled separately.
At checkout, these fees are encapsulated within the final cost to customer.
Steps to Build:
1) Log In to your Moshtix Control room. Not sure how? See our helpful, 'How to Log In' guide here.
2) Once logged in, either create a new event or select the event in your list you wish to apply Additional Loading to.
3) Navigate to the TICKET DETAILS tab, then click Advanced Options to expand the build settings on each ticket.
You will then be able to set or adjust the Additional Loading fee per ticket, which will then calculate on your ‘Total Online Price’.
4) Once your event has concluded, your Ticket Sales, Client Loadings and Additional Loadings will be split out for you to easily deposit directly into separate bank accounts should you wish. There are no additional calculations needed for you to ensure loadings are split out to the right accounts.
For further instructions on settling your funds, see here.
Note 1: If you do not see the option to add an Additional Loading, please contact your Client Manager or so we can update your account settings.
Note 2: If you apply an Additional Loading and then need to come back later and change the ticket NET price, apply your NET update, SAVE, then re-apply your Additional Loading, SAVE again as it may have reverted back to $0.
Note 3: How your ticket will appear live on the Moshtix booking page (what the customer sees)
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