You will need the following:
- An Android device with a camera.
- Stable 3G/4G connection or Wi-Fi connection
- Your Event ID & Token: Find them in your Moshtix control room, under ‘Events’ then ‘Prepare for Event Day’ or click here for more details on how to get this info
Or, search ‘Moshtix’ in the google play store. Click on Moshscan.
Load From Home Screen
- Open the App with the picture of the Moshtix Logo
to launch Moshscan 2.0
Enter your Event ID and Token. To check if you typed the correct Token in, you could tap on the eye to reveal the event token you typed.
Press Sign In
Select your event you wish to scan for. You’ll see ‘Preparing to download event, please wait…’ with a progress bar showing you what percentage your ticket data has downloaded to your local device
It will then bring you to the scan screen
If you already have an event loaded, you will need to sign out if you want to load a new event. This can be done via the SETTINGS tab. Click on SIGN OUT and confirm your decision by typing ‘YES’ and pressing ‘Continue’.
Moshscan 2.0 has some settings that need to be configured before scanning. This can be managed from within the app under the SETTINGS tab.
Be aware that all settings are kept on the device, even after closing the app and signing out of events.
Apply filter to scans (Ticket Type Filtering)
- OFF by default.
- Recommended: ON
If this is switched on, you can set your scanning filters on the SCAN tab.
Search Email
- OFF by default.
- Recommended: ON
Allows you to search people by their email address in the ATTENDEES tab
You can filter the scanners to scan specific ticket types. This can be done by clicking FILTER via the SCAN tab or ATTENDEES tab. This will bring you to the Filter guests page.
By default, when you open the app, there will be no filters.
To filter the ticket types, you want:
- Tap Deselect all – this will disable all tickets to be scanned shown by the OFF in grey
- Tap the toggle on the right of the ticket type name to enable it for scanning. It will show up as ON when you have enabled it.
- You can scroll through this page to view all the ticket types for this event.
You can scan printed PDF tickets, or the ticket displayed on a smartphone/device.
Start in the SCAN tab and use the green tap to scan button on the screen.
Note: Use the torch if the you can not see the ticket through the camera view. This is located in the top right of the scan screen when in camera view.
- Hold the device about 5-15cm from the Moshtix barcode with the camera facing in the direction of the ticket being scanned
- The Camera will automatically identify the barcode in the camera view
- Once you have scanned a ticket it will show one of the below possible screens
- Green Tick: Ticket has been verified and valid for entry. Display: Persons Name, checked in at Time, Date, Ticket Type, Event name
- Orange Question Mark: Ticket is not valid for the filtered ticket types. This could mean it is for a different section, day or even event. Please read the ticket carefully to see if they have the correct ticket. Display: No Match found ‘ticket number XYZ’ or No Match found ‘READFAIL’
- Red Cross: Ticket is not valid as it has already been validated. Display: Barcode number, already checked in at Time, Date
If you receive an orange or a red screen symbol, there will be a reason displayed
on the screen. Only a green tick should allow entry
If a customer doesn’t bring their ticket, you can look up their ticket manually. Click the ATTENDEES tab
- Tap “Search for guest”
- Start typing either the customer’s name or their email into the text field
- Matching results will display with the ticket type and event under their name
- Select the Attendee’s name (Note if the Attendee’s name already has a tick next to it, they have already been checked in)
- Tap on Check In
- The customer’s ticket will then be shown as checked-in
Sometimes you may need to scan someone out. This usually occurs when there was a large group of tickets and more tickets were scanned than there were people present. In this instance we would undo the check in.
- There are 2 ways to get to a customer order
- Look up the name on the ticket via the attendees tab.
- Tap on the text of the validation message. This will send you straight to the ticket order regardless of if it has a green tick or a red X
- Once you have found and selected the ticket, you will see when they were checked in on the top of your screen.
- Select Undo check in (in red) if you want to be able to scan this same ticket later.
Note: Check out (in green) is used if the ticket is staying validated but is being taken off the ticket entered figure for reporting. This feature is rarely used. - There will be a prompt asking you if you are sure. Press Yes and continue if you want to undo the check in. Once you select yes, the screen will shift back to your previous screen (Scan screen / Attendees screen)
Check ticket entry stats on the device used for scanning by pressing the STATS tab.
It will display the tickets entered over the whole event. This can be filtered down to specific ticket types. To see the totals for a specific ticket type tap filter while you are on the STATS tab and select the specific ticket type you want to focus on. Be aware that if you select the event itself it will be the full entry overview of the event as one whole figure. For the most accurate numbers, make sure you are connected to Wi-Fi and refresh the page by navigating to the scan page and back to the Stats page for the newest scans/updates to flow through.
Logging In
Error: Please check your email and password
Solution: Your log in details are your event ID and Token.
Your event ID is a 6-digit number, and your token is 6 characters long (at least one of the characters should be a number e.g., ABCDE2). If your token does not have a number, please contact the event services line or your client manager for assistance.
Ticket Error Messages
Error: Barcode # already checked in at TIME, DATE
Ticket History: This message is presented if a ticket in the system has been scanned after it had already been validated prior to this current attempt.
To investigate this issue further, you can either Tap on the red X of the result screen to view the ticket you just scanned. Once you are on the ticket page, tap View History to see when the ticket was last scanned.
Double scan: If the time, date is very similar to the current time and date of the scanning device, you or someone else at the same entry point may have already scanned the ticket. If this was in a short time frame, this is considered a double scan. Just ensure there are enough tickets that have been successfully scanned for people that are present for the event.
Already Scanned continued… If it was not a double scan, there is a chance the person is trying to scan a duplicate ticket that has already been scanned. If someone has presented a duplicate ticket, the ticket is not valid for the event. You may want to find out where the ticket holder obtained the ticket.
Error: No Match Found #
Scenario 1: The ticket type is not currently selected to be scanned. This may mean the patron presented the incorrect ticket type or the scanner is not set up correctly. If the ticket should be scanning on your device, you can check that the correct ticket type filters are applied. Refer to the ticket filtering section for steps on how to check and change this. If the ticket type should not be scanned in your area, send the customer to the correct area or seek confirmation on if the ticket should be accepted.
Scenario 2: The ticket may not be for correct event. If so, advise the customer of the current event and cross reference the event name, date and ticket type to see if it matches the ticket details match for the event you are scanning for. If it is for the incorrect event or date, advise this to the customer that the ticket is not able to be validated.
Scenario 3: If all the ticket information looks like it matches the correct event, date and ticket type, try looking up the customer or double check that you have loaded the correct event on your scanner. To check what event/s you are signed into, you should be able to see the name of your event on the bottom of the scan screen or your event ID on the top of the SETTINGS tab. If you are signed into the incorrect event, please refer to sections: Before you start, signing out & Download Ticket Data
Unable to scan a ticket
Issue: A person has a damaged ticket or has forgotten their ticket
Solution 1: If the barcode is damaged and unscannable but their entire barcode number is visible you can click on CAN’T SCAN TICKET? on the SCAN tab. Tap search by barcode number. This will automatically check the user in.
Solution 2: If the person forgot their ticket but has valid ID, you can search them via CAN’T SCAN TICKET? on the SCAN tab by their name or initials (Separated by a Space). Tap on the customer’s name when you have found them, to check the person in. Alternatively, you can look a customer up via the ATTENDEES tab, where you can see additional information such as their email and ticket history. When searching, the ticket next to the person’s name indicates that ticket has already been validated. Refer to the lookup tickets section for details.
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