Booking Fee (BF): Fee charged on a per ticket basis.
Booking History: A full list of customer data related to each event - showing purchase history and personal data.
Booking/Event Page Skin: A visual re-branding of a client’s Moshtix event page/s.
Client ID: The unique number allocated to each client with a log in to a control room.
CM: Client Manager sometimes referred to as Account Manager.
Comp: Complimentary ticket issued by the client and/or Moshtix.
Control Room (MCR): This is the area of the Moshtix admin site which allows a client to access their event details: e.g. build events, run reports, access subscriber data, issue complimentary tickets.
Doorlist: List of customers who have tickets for an event – this can be sent to venues/promoters once sales close for entry validation purposes.
Event Build: Building the event into the ticketing system.
Event ID: The unique number allocated to a Moshtix event build.
Event Token: The unique code used along with the Event ID to use the Moshtix scanning app
GA: General Admission.
GP On sale: General Public on-sale.
Guest Checkout: Allows customers to purchase tickets without being required to register or login to Moshtix.
Hard Tickets: Physical cardboard tickets. Thermal paper tickets - alternative to PDF tickets.
Holds: Tickets which have been built into an event that require to be held back from sale for a certain purpose. e.g. promoter house seats, venue comps.
House of Tickets: Our hard ticket supplier.
Inside Charge/Client Loading/PIC: A fee that’s applied to the promoter/ticket net and provided back to the client/third-parties.
Landing Page: The webpage where the customer will land before linking to the event purchase webpage, usually containing basic information about the event.
LPA: Live Performance Australia (Industry Code of Practice).
Moshscan: The Moshtix scanning smartphone app used by clients to scan customers into events.
Mosh Admin: The backend system for the Moshtix website/sales system.
Offer/Promo code: A code word attached to a ticket type which either allows early access to access to a discount. Also used for tracking purposes for competitions run by clients.
On Sale: Release date for tickets to the General Public.
Opens/Avails: Tickets built into an event that can be readily purchased - on sale.
Ops: Operations or Event Services.
Order ID: The unique number given to each order in the Moshtix system.
Presale: Generally, an opportunity for a select group of people to gain access to ticket sales earlier than everyone else.
Processing Fee: Fee paid generally by the customer. Can be added to the outside of a ticket price (visible to the customer) or absorbed into the ticket price (paid by the promoter out of the net price).
Promoter Net or Ticket Sales Net: The base ticket price with no fees added. The amount of money the client wants to net back after our booking fees and possibly credit card fees have been deducted.
Reissue Tickets: A purchased ticket which requires a new name or DOB, will be reissued with the new details. The ability to reissue is at the discretion of the event organiser and may be subject to change. Charge applies.
Reporting Access: Other clients or promoters that will be able to access an event’s reports from their control room.
Resend Tickets: Emailing purchased tickets again, after the original email has been sent, but with no changes to the name/DOB etc. No charge applies.
Sales Summary: Sales report (In CCR) which shows number of tickets allocated/returned etc per event.
Settlement: Ticket monies that are settled to the promoter/client.
Ticket Stock: Hard ticket stock.
Ticket Type: Label for tickets to be sold under. Events can have only one ticket for entry, or multiple: e.g. Admit 1, Over/Under 18 years, VIP Entry etc.
Waitlist: Allows customers to register interest in future ticket releases or new shows if an event is sold out.
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